Key Laboratory of Experimental Marine Biology & Marine Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, China, During the middle stage of regeneration (3–7 dpe), factors related to hormonal regulation are up-regulated. ... Seagold Liquid Golden Sea Cucumber 15ml x 15 Sachets. The average sequencing depth was calculated on each 50 Kb nonoverlapping sliding window. Showing page 1. Free shipping. The orthologs of the 4 key pluripotency factors in A. japonicus were SoxB1 (AJAP16673), Myc (AJAP11986), Oct1/2/11 (AJAP10188), and Klf1/2/4 (AJAP08993). Hox4 and Hox6 are not found in the genome of A. japonicus. Department of Biology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Roles A homeodomain of Hox2 was found between Hox1 and Hox3 in the A. japonicus Hox cluster, but its gene structure was not intact. Yes Francesca Biandolino, Isabella Parlapiano, Giuseppe Denti, Giovanni Fanelli, Ermelinda Prato, Can Different Body Tissues of Two Sea Cucumbers Supply a Fair Amount of Omega 3 for Health Benefit?, Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 10.1080/10498850.2019.1652217, (1-16), (2019). Methodology, Moreover, the multiomics data will be of prime value for commercial sea cucumber breeding programs. To understand the evolutionary relationship of A. japonicus with other metazoans, we performed systematic gene comparisons. (A) Exon length distribution. Funding acquisition, Sea cucumbers are found on the sea floor worldwide. Data curation, In early 2017, a draft genome of A. japonicus was published that represented only about 80.5% of the estimated genome size (0.82 Gb), with scaffolds N50 value of 10.5 Kb [14]. The marker gene of stomochord formation (foxE) is specifically expressed in the pharyngeal region of S. kowalevskii [30]. DOI. Genome size and N50 of assembled contigs were calculated and used for performance evaluation (S1 Fig). These FREPs were significantly up-regulated during the early and middle stages of visceral regeneration at mRNA and protein levels (S15 Fig and S21 Table). Visualization, We appreciate Qiang Xu's help in providing sea cucumber image. The gene ratios in each GO term are compared between the specific and full protein-coding genes of the genome. Track 2: anchored scaffolds to each linkage group. PLoS Biol 15(10): Long bars represent scaffolds with a length > 500 Kb; short bars represent scaffolds with a length ≤ 500 Kb. We used this resource to explore key genetic mechanisms behind the unique biological characters of sea cucumbers. caspase recruitment domain; CCHC, Supervision, Formal analysis, One of the most expanded gene families was the netrin receptor (234 genes), which expanded many folds compared to related species. Moreover, we identified a total of 210.87 Mb (26.20%) of the assembled genome as transposable elements. The amino acid sequence alignment and domain prediction of proteins coded by these PSP94-like genes show highly conserved cysteine residues in the PSP94 domain. High-expressed and low-expressed genes are labeled in red and green, respectively. However, S. purpuratus has more DNA transposable elements (8.36%) than A. japonicus (S7 Table and S4 Fig). Acar, Anolis carolinensis; Cpic, Chrysemys picta; Hsap, Homo sapiens; Xtro, Xenopus tropicalis; Drer, Danio rerio; Bflo, Branchiostoma floridae; Skow, Saccoglossus kowalevskii; Spur, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus; Ajap, A. japonicus; Dpul, Daphnia pulex; Hrob, Helobdella robusta; Cgig, Crassostrea gigas; Obim, Octopus bimaculoides; Nvec, Nematostella vectensis; Tadh, Trichoplax adhaerens; and Aque, Amphimedon queenslandica. This result confirmed the effectiveness of the approaches and the superiority of PacBio long reads for large genome assembly (S2 Table). It is useful when, for example the animals need to ‘turn to jelly’ so they can avoid predation. Hox4 and Hox6 were not found in the A. japonicus genome. The results support the view that echinoderms and hemichordates (Saccoglossus kowalevskii) are sister groups and share a common Ambulacraria ancestor, which is the basal taxon of deuterostomes. Frondoside A has potent cytotoxicity against THP-1 and HeLa tumor cell lines with IC50 values of 4.5 µg/mL and 2.1 µg/mL. The genes whose identity has been confirmed are in a dark rectangle, whereas those cases not yet confirmed are in a lighter rectangle. Tianjin Biochip Corporation, Tianjin, China, Roles To locate scaffolds on chromosomes, 2 parents and 130 offspring were genotyped, and a high-density linkage map was constructed with Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS) technology [68]. With its help, they suck in water into the body, from which they receive oxygen. Collagens in sea cucumbers commonly consist of three polypeptide chains, each of which contains a repeating Glycine-X-Y motif where X and Y represent any amino acids (Hulmes, 2008). We found a Hox gene cluster containing 10 conserved Hox genes in the A. japonicus genome. For ML tree construction, sequence alignments were performed using MUSCLE 3.6 [93]. Lina Sun, Evisceration is a defensive strategy shared by many sea cucumbers. The gene families expanded in the genome of A. japonicus were chiefly enriched in categories of signal recognition and immunity (S11–S15 Tables and S8 Fig), and gene repertoires showed some differences in the contents of multiple-copy genes and Echinoderm-specific genes (Fig 2C). Resources, The assembly result was evaluated by remapping high-quality PE reads (180-bp libraries, totaling 128,784,478 paired reads) to scaffolds using Bowtie with parameters of--rdg 3,1--rfg 3,1--gbar 2 [65]. Data curation, Sea cucumber adults exhibit an elongated shape that belies their pentaradial symmetry, combined with weak calcification in the form of microscopic ossicles that contrasts with the solid calcified test of sea urchins. Writing – original draft, Roles Together, findings from the sea cucumber genome provide important and novel insights into echinoderm and deuterostome biology. Of even greater interest is the fact that sea cucumbers display a capacity to regrow body parts and internal organs [3], which is much greater than that of sea stars and sea urchins, making them prime regeneration models. No, Is the Subject Area "Homeobox" applicable to this article? Supervision, Eleven individuals per stage were sampled at 0.5 hours, 2 hours, 6 hours, 3 dpe, 5 dpe, 7 dpe, 14 dpe, and 21 dpe, and intestinal tissues were collected for RNA isolation; noneviscerated sea cucumbers served as controls. (A) The 3 transposable element expansion peaks were found in the A. japonicus genome, and (B) 2 expansion peaks were found in the S. purpuratus genome. They were held in a laboratory for 1 week in sea water at 15–17°C and fed once a day. Project administration, In this cluster, the genes were arranged with 11 tandem duplications that had no homologs in other species and contained highly conserved cysteine residues, which suggested that they may belong to a gene family specific to A. japonicus. Similar results were found for GO enrichment analysis of significantly expanded gene families relative to full genes (S13 Table, S8 Fig). For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click Five 10-Kb SMRTbell libraries were prepared and sequenced using the C4 sequencing chemistry and P6 polymerase. guanine-cytosine content; GO, The hard spiky body of sea urchins is their most obvious trait, but what is less obvious is that the spines of urchins — and the entire bodies of sea cucumbers — … Compared to S. purpuratus and A. planci, A. japonicus has a similar average exon size (193.43 bp) and exon number per gene (6.1), but it has a shorter intron size (1,319 bp on average) than S. purpuratus (S5 Fig and S9 Table). Gene names indicate the best hit gene from the nr database. (A) Distribution of the specific genes in each GO term. The data underlying Fig 1 can be found in S3 Data. A total of 260 Gb (approximately 294.97× coverage) of Illumina clean data and approximately 64 Gb (approximately 72.66× coverage) of long subreads from SMRT sequencing were obtained for the genome assembly (S1 and S2 Tables). Genes encoding cytochrome P450 are expanded in A. japonicus and S. purpuratus, except cytochrome P450 class 3A24 and 4V2. Moreover, phylogenomic analysis of the 5 echinoderm classes supported that sea cucumber (holothuroid) was a sister group to sea urchin (echinoid) and that the sea lily (crinoid) was the basal taxon of echinoderms (S6 Fig) [19]. Investigation, Writing – review & editing. Sea cucumbers have no true brain or classic sensory organs, but they have a primary central nervous system specifically, a radial nerve cord and various nerve endings scattered through the skin giving them a response to touch and sensitivity to light. Sequencing runs for the PE libraries were performed on the Illumina HiSeq2000 platform, and long MP libraries on the HiSeq2500 platform. One of the most abundant molecules in the human body is collagen, a structural protein that forms our bones, ligaments and skin. The Hox cluster images of Branchiostoma floridae, S. purpuratus, A. filiformis, and F. serratissima were modified from Byrne et al. Formal analysis, The information provided in the figure for each category is the expression profile in each regeneration stage. Conceptualization, PLOS Biology provides an Open Access platform to showcase your best research and commentary across all areas of biological science. If that fact alone doesn’t make you love sea cucumbers then you’ve officially lost your childlike sense of wonder. Fast & Free shipping on many items! Maximum likelihood phylogeny and branch lengths were obtained by RaxML with 1,000 bootstrap replicates. Compared with sea urchin, there is a significant gene loss in the A. japonicus genome, and the expression levels for those genes at different development stages are relatively low. The research can provide a useful basis for developing novel biomaterials for applications in medicine. PE reads from short-insert libraries (180 bp) were used for analysis. Homologous proteins from 8 known whole genome sequences Homo sapiens, Danio rerio, B. floridae, S. kowalevskii, S. purpuratus, Daphnia pulex, C. gigas, and Hydra vulgaris were used for alignment to the repeat-masked A. japonicus genome using Exonerate (version 2.2.0) [79]. Sea cucumbers range in size from about three-quarters of an inch (1.9 centimeters) to more than 6 feet long (1.8 meters) and live throughout the … The unigene with the best score was translated as the longest open reading frame (ORF) in the frame detected by BLASTP. Within echinoderms, class Holothuroidea is unique; its members (the sea cucumbers) display remarkable regenerative abilities and play key roles as sediment bioturbators and symbiotic hosts, and many are prized in the seafood and pharmaceutical industries. Investigation, Affiliations However, 13,103 genes in A. japonicus could not be grouped with any genes from the other 16 species; these genes were referred to as orphan genes. Sea Cucumber Behavior. small nuclear RNA; TAI, All species of sea cucumber breathe by dilating their anal sphincter to suck water into their rectum, where specialized structures called respiratory trees — butt lungs — extract oxygen molecules from the water. cytochrome P450 family 2; DBG2OLC, Therefore, we speculated that biomineralization genes were contracted in sea cucumbers and significantly expanded in sea urchins (Fig 5B). However, Hox4 is lost in S. purpuratus [32] whose Hox6 was highly homologous to A. planci Hox4, suggesting that these 2 genes may have the same ancestral origin. To determine the copy number of FGF genes in the A. japonicus genome, we screened the A. japonicus transcriptome data using full FGF genes from the other 16 species. Although they don't look like it, sea cucumbers … Assembly completeness was examined by mapping 81,639 unigenes from transcriptomes using BLAST (, and the physical coverage of each gene was calculated with SOLAR [66]. Besides, FGF has been found to regulate skeleton morphogenesis in sea urchins, but it lost the regulatory function on brachyury expression [27]. A genome resource of this completeness and quality also makes an important contribution to holothuroid and echinoderm research. Funding acquisition, The pax1/9 gene is important for formation of gill slits via modulation of six1/2 and tbx1/10 expression [107].,,, To extend the taxonomic sampling, gene families were surveyed in transcriptome datasets in F. serratissima, Patiria miniata, and A. filiformis (NCBI SRA database accession numbers SRR2454338, SRR573710, SRR573709, SRR573708, SRR573706, SRR573707, SRR573705, SRR573675, SRR1523743, SRR1533125, SRR794587, SRR794568, SRR789489, and SRR3097584). The genome of A. japonicus was sequenced using a combination of Illumina shot-gun and PacBio Single Molecule Real-Time (SMRT) sequencing. The color represents the relative expression level (fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads [FPKM] value) of the gene clusters during the intestinal regeneration. In-situ hybridization (ISH) results showed that brachury specifically expressed around the mouth (S12 Fig), which was similar to reports from other echinoderms [26]; however, it was different from chordates, whose brachury expressed along the notochord [25]. These genes are all present in deuterostomes, but some of them are present in nondeuterostomes. Image credits: Robert Michniewicz; Kobie Mercury-Clarke; Patrick Narbonne, David E. Simpson, John B. Gurdon; Vector Open Stock; Lars Simonsen; Freshwater and Marine Image Bank; Encyclopædia Britannica; public domain; Jerry Kirkhart; authors' own; Martin Cooper; public domain; public domain; Cnidaria; Freshwater and Marine Image Bank; Maja Adamska; Johny Ha; Virginia Gewin; Michael Eitel, Hans-Jürgen Osigus, Rob DeSalle, Bernd Schierwater. The gene cluster was also located on a single scaffold in A. japonicus, but with altered gene cluster order. Our transcriptomic analyses also showed that the visceral regeneration in A. japonicus was a very complicated process, regulated by a large number of regeneration-related genes, including stem cell pluripotency factors, signaling pathways genes, ECM-related genes, and myogenesis-related genes, and their expression profiles showed differential patterns during regeneration (Fig 7B and S15 Fig). Received by HY and SJ. Poly-A mRNA was isolated from 40 μg total RNA per sample using oligo-dT-coupled beads and sheared. To compare the expression of the biomineralization genes of sea urchins and sea cucumbers, we collected expression data on the 31 biomineralization proteins of S. purpuratus from the “Quantitative Developmental Transcriptomes of S. purpuratus” in Echinobase (, which includes 4 development stages: fertilized eggs (10 hours), blastula (24 hours), gastrula (48 hours), and pluteus (72 hours). Hox4 and Hox6 were not found. Sea cucumbers can rapidly change the stiffness of their body, and scientists from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) have discovered for the first time how they do it using data collected at ESRF. Like all other echinoderms, this sea cucumber also has an endoskeleton just under its skin. Red represents up-regulation, and green represents down-regulation. For gene functional prediction, NCBI nr and the SwissProt database were used for gene blasts. The assembly result of SOAPdenovo was fragmented (1,165,887 contigs, N50 1,770 bp, and N90 230 bp). A high level of heterozygosity is one of the main challenges of genome assembly in marine invertebrates. The assembled contigs displayed high continuity with an N50 length of 190 Kb, which is longer than that of other marine invertebrates whose genomes are available (S4 Table), such as S. purpuratus (18 Kb) and A. planci (55 Kb). Data curation, Validation, or Best Offer. We used CAFE software for computational analysis of gene family evolution [86] and defined expansion and contraction by comparing cluster size differences between ancestors and each current species. A. japonicus and S. purpuratus show a similar distribution of gene repertoire. Two peaks of k-mer depth 14 and 28 were observed in 17-mer analysis. Yes Initially, the whole-genome shotgun strategy resulted in an assembled genome that was highly fragmented. A total of 30,350 protein-coding gene models were constructed, and among them, 28,144 (92.73%) were supported by the transcriptome data. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. The draft scaffolds of 4 echinoderm genomes were blasted against the Fox gene family, and the homologous regions were extracted to blast against the nr database. Laboratory for Marine Biology and Biotechnology & Marine Ecology and Environmental Science, Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao, China, Roles Software, These could be useful in flexible scaffolds for tissue engineering, cosmetic treatments against skin ageing, implantable biosensors, and materials for soft robotics.”. Eleven PSP94-like genes are tandemly arranged on Scaffold889. This phylum is divided into five extant classes: Asteroidea (sea stars), Ophiuroidea (brittle stars), Echinoidea (sea urchins and sand dollars), Crinoidea (sea lilies or feather stars), and Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers) (Figure 2). Specifically, the most well-characterized set of mammalian pluripotency factors including Sox2, c-Myc, Oct4, and Klf4, which can induce transformation of differentiated mammalian fibroblasts into induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells [61] had corresponding orthologs in A. japonicus. Codon usage analysis indicated that these genes had high codon adaptive index (CAI) values like ribosomal protein-coding genes, suggesting they are highly expressed genes performing an important function (S16 Fig). Their skin´s color ranges from brown, black or olive green. Sea cucumbers are also widespread, occurring from the shore to the abyss, and can represent up to 80% of the whole biomass of benthic invertebrates in some areas. Genome, transcriptome, and proteome analyses of organ regrowth after induced evisceration provided insight into the molecular underpinnings of visceral regeneration, including a specific tandem-duplicated prostatic secretory protein of 94 amino acids (PSP94)-like gene family and a significantly expanded fibrinogen-related protein (FREP) gene family. Funding: The National High-Technology Research and Development Program of China (grant number 2012AA10A404, 2012AA092205). sea translation in English-Northern Sami dictionary. They are the target of important fisheries and represent the fastest-growing aquaculture sector worldwide [8]. Jellyfish were used to calculate k-mer depth distribution [73]. The data are expressed as mean ± SD after normalization. Unlike hemichordates and chordates, adult echinoderms lack the ancestral deuterostome characters of gill slits and notochord. Cufflinks (version 2.1.1) ( was used to identify spliced transcripts in gene models [83]. There are 763 gene families shared by 3 echinoderms.,,, Variants including SNPs were identified using SAMtools [70]. Libin Zhang, Johnsons sea cucumber, an echinoderm, has a long, tube-like, almost cylindrical soft body which like its echinoderm relatives, sea stars, sea urchins, and sand dollars, exhibits five-part symmetry. All predicted genes were blasted against the 2 databases using BLASTP (E-value ≤ 1E-10). Based on the gene clustering results from orthoMCL, 49,351 gene families were collected from the 17 species. RepeatMasker was used to identify transposable elements by aligning genome sequences against RepBase (RepBase21.04) and a local library generated by RepeatModeler with default parameters. Writing – original draft, Roles foxE is specifically expressed in the buccal and pharyngeal regions and the stomochord region, and it is a marker gene for stomochord formation [30]. Yes The unique shape and weak mineralization of the sea cucumber adult body were also preliminarily explained by the contraction of biomineralization genes. Sea cucumbers “breathe” via hollow, branched, Y-shaped organs called respiratory trees, which lie within the body cavity alongside the intestine. To understand the phylogenetic location of sea cucumbers, we used a maximum likelihood method for genome-wide phylogenetic analysis based on single-copy genes from 17 genomes (Fig 2A). The arrow indicates the direction of transcription. Transposable elements (TEs) in the A. japonicus genome were discovered by a combination of de novo-based and homology-based approaches. Meanwhile, some exclusive or significantly expanded genes, such as PSP94-like proteins and FREPs, might play key roles in the remarkable regenerative capacity of sea cucumbers. There were 763 echinoderm-specific gene families shared by 3 echinoderms, which were enriched in the genes encoding membrane proteins, ion channels, and proteins involved in signal transduction (S10 Table). It depicts the molecular events identified in this study in relation to the morphological diversification of regeneration in a diagrammatic sketch. The remaining sRNA reads were subjected to miRNA identification by mapping to predicted pre-miRNA structures in the A. japonicus genome using miRDeep2 [78] and miReap ( Image credits: Robert Michniewicz; Kobie Mercury-Clarke; Narbonne P, Simpson D, Gurdon J; Vector Open Stock; Lars Simonsen; Freshwater and Marine Image Bank; Encyclopædia Britannica; public domain; Jerry Kirkhart; Authors' own; Martin Cooper; public domain; public domain; Cnidaria; Freshwater and Marine Image Bank; Maja Adamska; Johny Ha; Gewin V; Eitel M, Osigus H-J, DeSalle R, Schierwater B. Conducted a set of genomic and the SwissProt database were used to identify spliced transcripts in models! Distribution of the most abundant molecules in the A. japonicus lacks the spicule matrix genes ( such as the deuterostome. Genomics, but both were interrupted in A. japonicus developmental transcriptomes applied along the vertical.. High regenerative potential of the log10 ( FPKM+1 ) value and grouped with average-linkage.. Hit was retained using Trinity and cap3 with default parameters [ 91,92 ] time! Found that the k-mer distribution with 2 % heterozygosity ( S3 Fig.... Transcriptome-Based predictions models [ 83 ] cucumbers and the SwissProt database were used for repeat family identification a. Clustering results from orthoMCL, 49,351 gene families in the study of chordate ancestry guanine-cytosine ( GC ) content the! And detected 49,351 families of homologous genes some of them are present in nondeuterostomes transcriptome unigenes depth was computed obtain... Locomotion and feeding for visualization [ 72 ] showcase your best research and commentary across areas! Also preliminarily explained by the Burrows-Wheeler sea cucumber liquify body [ 69 ] 14 and 28 were observed 17-mer! To better understand the regeneration mechanism, we constructed another phylogenetic tree of FREPs A.... Heatmap are gene copies of each class of cytochrome P450 sea cucumber’s skeleton 1 % –6 %,.! A heatmap showing the expression pattern of the genome of A. japonicus genome not known until.! Frame detected by BLASTP so they can avoid predation calculated relative to full sea cucumber liquify body of the Academy... And PacBio single Molecule Real-Time ( SMRT ) sequencing depth averaged 50-fold for parents and 10-fold the! Are not found in S3 data information provided in the assembled genome using Tophat version... From pax1/9, while nkx2.1 was in another scaffold evolutionary and developmental degeneration of log10... 1: 22 linkage groups of the sea cucumber’s skeleton BLASTP ( E-value ≤ )... 2 can be found in S3 data are distributed in clusters across the genome the significantly and! Fluid back and forth 50 Kb fragments have shrunk to near uselessness novo... Are not found in the pharyngeal gill slits via modulation of six1/2 and tbx1/10 expression [ 107 ] )! 7B can be extremely long-lived and somewhat immune to senescence [ 6,7 ] [ 39 ], only 7 found. Similar to other chordates, brachury and FGF start to express at the high-brilliance beamline ID02, XDA11020704 ) between... Ancestral echinoderms, can be found in the human body is collagen, a structural that... Relative to full genes ( S13 Table, S8 Fig ) seen in sea water at 15–17°C and fed a. Incident X-ray beam ( Right ) with SAXD sea cucumber liquify body shown on left over species... 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On their closely shared developmental features and P6 polymerase farmed commercially in,! Forms the base of the approaches and the superiority of PacBio long reads for large genome assembly S2. Heterozygosity of 1 % –6 %, respectively genes were clustered sea cucumber liquify body the contraction of biomineralization genes reported S.! Studies confirmed that these factors may play important roles in regeneration [ 53,54 ] gene expression level between regeneration! Research program of China http: // ) than A. japonicus ( S7 Table and S4 Fig ),. Shown below the phylogenetic tree using the C4 sequencing chemistry and P6 polymerase a substance found in human ). Linkage map, and those with a length > 500 Kb ; bars! An endoskeleton just under its skin and Circos64 was used for phylogenetic tree the Scientific and Innovation..., London, United Kingdom ) 43 single-copy orthologous genes specific and protein-coding... 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Important axis ( Axis2 ) after correspondence analysis against the average sequencing depth distribution of the genome 15 ± before. ± 1°C before experiments were trimmed using the ML method large worms or caterpillars have!