However, if you do wash, make sure you completely drain, Do not stir or check on the rice while it’s in the oven. }, 140ml of Water or Chicken Stock. Not to blogger Sisi Yemmie has made things easy for you as she shared her own recipe to make a perfect Nigerian Coconut Rice . { Lastly, coconut milk has been shown to have quite a lot of benefits[1], so coconut rice can be a very nutritious food. Here are two methods of making coconut fried rice: This recipe is a variation of coconut rice, fried rice style. learn how to make a simple and tasty Nigerian coconut rice recipe. Simmer for about 10-15mins or when the water is absorbed. "primaryImageOfPage": { "Seasoning cube", occasionally check if it needs extra stock and add if necessary. "publisher": { I love, love Coconut rice! Then add tomato paste and stir to fry. Ingredients: 2 cups of long-grain rice/basmati rice. Coconut rice has soo many recipes because it is adopted by "@id": "", ENJOY! If you want to get more of the coconut flavour into your coconut rice, it’s preferable to extract your coconut milk from scratch. Now is the time to extract the coconut milk. "image": { "@id": "", Also, this Nigerian coconut Jollof rice recipe is vegan, gluten-free, and insanely delicious, but, you once again decide your choice of protein. When this is done and begins to bubble, you add your parboiled rice into the stew and leave to simmer. }, That's the way coconut rice is cooked. It is quite easy to prepare and always a welcomed change from the usual Nigerian fried rice.. If not, then balance the liquid. How to Cook Coconut Rice [Video] "Pepper", "name": "Fit Nigerian", Mix properly to get the seasoning infused into the veggies. Bear in mind that the rice will normally rise by at least one quarter of its quantity from the parboiled state to the done state. "@id": "" Nigerian Coconut Shrimp Rice. "@id": "" Add washed rice to the boiling chicken stock & coconut milk. Find it Here ( feel free to request a recipe by leaving a comment below) You can also watch all Nigerian Rice Recipes videos here,for detailed visual steps of how to cook these Rice Delicacies . "Stock" }, "name": "Femi Oja" (You might or might not need to use your seasoning cube(s) and salt). Check the rice in the oven for doneness and when done (that is all the liquid is absorbed and the rice is soft), mix your stir-fried mixed vegetables, cover with a foil and allow to rest. You can serve with Chicken, Goat Meat and Shrimp. }, "ratingValue": "4.7", This recipe is for Jollof Coconut Rice, there's another version of coconut rice known as the White Coconut Rice. "isPartOf": { "publisher": { In a large pan, add your tablespoons of any oil of choice, your chopped onions and sauté till it’s translucent. Read how to season and grill chicken for more one this. "url": "" If you can, prepare the White Coconut Rice with all these ingredients listed above, please do so. Coconut rice is really simple to make; just a mixture of coconut, rice and spices! 3 cups of rice Fresh ground tomatoes (500ml) 2 Tablespoons (tomato paste) (tin tomato) Chicken (2KG) 1 cup of sliced onions 3 seasoning cubes Half teaspoon of chicken spice Vegetable oil half cup (150ml) Teaspoon ground ginger. Drain out your rice and run under the tap before you set aside. Required fields are marked. "url": "", Set on the stove to boil. Nigerian food vlogger Sisi Jemimah has just released a new recipe tutorial on her Youtube channel. Add your coconut milk, chicken stock, ground crayfish, chilli powder and then bring to a boil for about 10mins. This coconut rice recipe should definitely be added to your arsenal. Reduce heat to low-medium and simmer for about 30 minutes or until rice is well cooked. In a large pan, heat up 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and sauté onions till it’s translucent. Stir in well. }, "@type": "WebSite", "width": 300, "potentialAction": { Nigerian Coconut Rice Recipe (All 5 Exciting Types), Nigerian Fried Rice Recipe (3 Interesting Variations). Ingredients. It makes you feel good, doesn't it? Beef Mince Jollof Rice Add your mixed vegetables then your chilli powder, turmeric and a little salt. INGREDIENTS . "Coconut milk ", "@id": "" (That’s when you know the tomato paste is fried well). It feels good to see the looks on your guests' or friends' faces when they think you are serving them the good old Jollof Rice but bam, the moment the first spoon enters the mouth, you are sure to get the looks of pleasure! Put washed beans and 5 cups of water in a large put on high heat. The cooking time depends on the type of chicken. Your email address will not be published. } "@type": "ImageObject", Coconut rice is one meal i don't joke with. ''); If you will use whole chicken, wash and cut the whole chicken into pieces. You can also grill it in an oven. Trapping in the steam would let the rice cook thoroughly and allowing it to slightly burn brings about a caramelisation of the coconut, enhancing the coconut flavour. Next add coconut milk, add chicken stock and add parboiled rice, combine evenly and all to cook for 15-20 minutes. "Crayfish ", We make rice recipes like jollof rice, fried rice, rice and beans, native jollof rice, and many more rice recipes. Looking for a Nigerian Rice or Pasta Recipes? "datePublished": "2020-08-14T08:45:18+00:00", Nigerian Coconut rice recipe made easy. }, Add the drained parboiled rice, salt and pepper to taste. Allow to cook for 15 minutes, add grated coconut and another cup of water (if necessary), the other coconut rice recipe needed just the milk, here you add everything. "url": "", It is made with coconut oil and some special ingredients. "recipeIngredient": [ Then add in your washed rice, coconut milk and salt into the cooked beans. } "@type": "SearchAction", Special coconut rice recipe. Cooking till done and add salt to taste. Confirm that the rice is done by tasting it. This Ginger Coconut Rice is similar to my Nigerian Coconut Fried Rice with the main difference being the potent Ginger accent. Pour in your coconut milk and stir with the other ingredients. Why don't you surprise your guests tonight by preparing this easy dinner recipe? Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. READY IN: 25mins. Stir to mix everything properly. The idea is to cook the rice but should still remain firm because you’re not cooking the rice all through. "query-input": "required name=search_term_string" If you parboiled the rice as described at parboiling rice for cooking coconut rice, the rice should be done by the time the water is dry. 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"description": "Looking for Nigerian Coconut Rice recipe? ", 1 can of !b}),e.defaultPrevented||(d=e.detail.width)&&d!==a._lazysizesWidth&&c(a,f,e,d))},f=function(){var b,c=a.length;if(c)for(b=0;bError<\/strong>: The email address isn’t correct. Taste for seasoning and adjust if necessary. "name": "Nigerian Coconut Rice Recipe (All 5 Exciting Types)", How to cook coconut rice the Nigerian Way Step 1 – cooking the meat and extracting the stock • Cook your chicken with 1 seasoning cube, 2 scotch bonnet peppers and chopped onions • … Advertise Here | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer, 3 cigar cups | 750g long grain parboiled rice, Prepare the tomato stew if you don't have some in the freezer. Well, who doesn’t? Once rice is almost done, add crayfish, mix together and allow … 1 Big Coconut. if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; This time is for the quantity of rice stated in … "prepTime": "PT15M", { "target": "{search_term_string}", Coconut Fried Rice . 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When I was a little girl, my mom would cook coconut fried rice during special events and Visit the. Add the onions and stir with black pepper for one minute. "@type": "Organization", The following are other variations of Jollof Rice: Turn off heat, let the steam do the rest of the cooking for about 5minutes before opening the lid. ","empty_password":"ERROR: The password field is empty. Add thyme, curry powder, white pepper, bay leaves and keep stirring till the oil floats to the top and the tomato paste has lost its sour, acidic taste. ] "@id": "" s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script', Cover with an aluminium foil and place on the lower rack of the oven. 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"Salt", 3 cups of any rice of choice (Long grain rice, basmati and even ofada rice is fine), Other spices like white pepper, black pepper, smoked paprika to taste, Wash your rice thoroughly and parboil with the coconut milk. Looking for chin chin recipe? ("hidden"==x(a.parentNode,"visibility")&&"hidden"==x(a,"visibility"))},T=function(a,c){var d,f=a,g=S(a);for(F-=c,I+=c,G-=c,H+=c;g&&(f=f.offsetParent)&&f!=b.body&&f!=e;)(g=(x(f,"opacity")||1)>0)&&"visible"!=x(f,"overflow")&&(d=f.getBoundingClientRect(),g=H>d.left&&>500?500:370:d.expand,c._defEx=r,s=r*d.expFactor,t=d.hFac,J=null,O2&&o>2&&!b.hidden? You can do that by buying coconut, separating the meaty part of the coconut. Measure your rice into a bowl, and wash thoroughly. Rice and Beans. "recipeYield": "4 servings", White Coconut Rice "height": 288 In a large pan, heat up 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and sauté onions till it’s translucent. 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coconut rice recipe nigerian 2020